Montrose Sailing Club Membership Form

If you want to print out the form and send it in you can download it from here: Membership form. You can do this online though – see below:

Contact us by filling out the form below.

Personal Details

For the peace of mind of all members, the Club respectfully requests that adult members join the Scottish Protection of Vulnerable Groups scheme. However, this is only a requirement for Committee members and instructors/tutors. There is no charge to the Club for the check, which is met by RYAS.

In the normal course of club activities it is likely that photographs or videos will be taken of boats and sailors and used to improve coaching or publicise the club (e.g through the club website and Facebook page, posters, or local newspaper).To reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately, we will only make use of images of people who are suitably dressed. Montrose SC recognises that photography of children/ vulnerable adults is a sensitive issue and hence anonymous images will be used, unless prior permission has been given for names to be used (e.g Trophy night awards); for Protected Groups this will ordinarily be forenames only.



Payment Details
£145  Covers up to 2 adults and 4 children

Total £ 0